Tuesday, February 10, 2009

These are a few of my favorite games

As an introduction let me run down some of my favorite games and why they are fun to me:

Sim Games: from sim city to the sims, there is a combination of meeting challenges and inventing your own goals

Counter-Strike: fast-paced and team oriented,

Team Fortress: brought class systems to multiplayer

Quake 2 CTF: widely played team first person shooter, with grappling hook!

Unreal Tournament: many choices of weapons, levels, and physical effects

Cyber Nations: persistent browser-based game with thousands of players

Ultima Online: first? mmorpg with players in a live, changing graphical environment

Scorched Earth: the mother of all games

Warcraft/Starcraft: blizzard brings depth to their rts

Command and Conquer: pushing envelope in game storyline, the installer was even part!

Total Annihilation: involving and groundbreaking rts

Half-Life: immerses gamer in the conflict

Final Fantasy: best rpgs ever? characters and worlds that stick with you

Super Mario Brothers: bright, instantly enjoyable response

Legend of Zelda: arcade fun with adventure and thoughtful puzzles

Civilization: requires careful strategy

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